
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Meet Camilo Gomez!

Camilo Gomez serves as the Sales Representative for the Americas at Sucafina Instant, based in Colombia. With 17 years of experience in the soluble coffee value chain, he recently joined Sucafina and has been with the company for 3 months. We interviewed him to learn more about his role at the company and the solutions he offers to clients in his region.

What does your role as Sales representative for the Americas at Sucafina Instant involve? 

My role requires understanding the Instant market needs of the different regions within the Americas and developing strategies, business models and solutions to attend our client’s needs on the B2B and B2C segments. This involves working closely with suppliers and clients to generate value for all.

What do you find most exciting about your work?

Most exciting about my work are all the learning possibilities we encounter when engaging in challenges for new projects and business development, as well as the opportunity to meet and work with/for people from different cultures and mindsets.

What are some of your clients’ common challenges and needs when sourcing instant coffee? 

As in all businesses, the primary requirement from our clients is to obtain the best cost-benefit option for their specific needs. However, the main challenge in the long term lies in our ability to provide reliability and consistency in terms of quality, delivery, support, flexibility, and service. This is an underlying need that we at Sucafina Instant strive to excel in.

What tailored solutions does Sucafina Instant provide to meet clients’ needs?

Given our commercial, sourcing, and logistics reach, we at Sucafina Instant, as a solution provider, can offer tailored solutions for all kinds of needs, from cup profiles, prices, packaging, logistics, and product innovations. 

How important are sustainability and responsible sourcing in your clients’ instant coffee choices? What initiatives does Sucafina Instant offer to support these needs?

Sustainability and responsible sourcing are always primary considerations in our clients' decision-making process. Our commitment to sustainability at Sucafina Instant is not limited to ensuring certification compliance throughout our supply chain but also extends to certified products and initiatives developed by Sucafina as a group to enhance the well-being of farmers in numerous coffee-growing regions.